YMCA Camp Staff Prepare to Help Children Heal from the Trauma of the Past Year

MIDDLETOWN, CONNECTICUT, March 30, 2021 –Summertime marks the highlight of every child’s year. It’s a time to play outside, spend time with friends, and for many, head to summer camp for days or weeks of adventure and activities. The Northern Middlesex YMCA is eager and ready to help your child safely take a break from screen time, indoor activities, and distance learning to experience the benefits of summer camp: social-emotional learning with peers, physical exercise, and outdoor activities.
Camper safety is our top priority, and the Y is clean, safe, and in full compliance with all CDC, DECD, public health, and Connecticut Office of Early Childhood guidelines. “Across the state, YMCA’s safely served more than 13,200 campers in 2020, providing children with a much-needed return to childhood. The benefits of a summer camp experience full of enrichment, socialization, and fun will not only help children heal from the trauma of this past year but will also help prepare them for a successful return to the school year.” says Michele Rulnick, YMCA CEO. “Our camp staff are trained on how to modify traditional camp activities, so campers experience the joy of summer camp while following all guidelines. Staff are also receiving training on trauma-informed care and social-emotional learning.”
The YMCA has two licensed summer camp options for families this summer: Camp Ingersoll in Portland and Summer Enrichment Camp held at the YMCA in Middletown. Both camps will offer children arts, literacy, active outdoor play, sports, STEAM, critical thinking skills, and socialization.
More than ever, kids need the outlet and experiences summer camp provides. The COVID-19 pandemic has pervasively and detrimentally isolated children. Camps are perhaps the safest and best place, both from an emotional and physical health perspective, for young people to be.
The Northern Middlesex YMCA provides a sliding fee scale to families who earn under $75,000 a year. The Y also accepts current care4kids certificate holders and will work with families to help them navigate the care4kids application process. “Our goal is to help as many children as possible attend a Y camp this summer. We have stepped up our fundraising efforts to assist more families. We also expect that the 75 million dollars coming into our state from American Rescue Act will help all non-profit youth organizations serve more children this summer.“ says Michele Rulnick.
For more information on YMCA Camp Ingersoll or Summer Enrichment Camp, please contact Candace Crane at ccrane@midymca.org.
About the Y
The Northern Middlesex YMCA is a non-profit organization founded in 1886. The organization currently serves tens of thousands in Middlesex County through various programs that encourage youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. A strong community relationship has made it possible for the Northern Middlesex Y to have a significant reach and provide quality service to all regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation or financial status. www.midymca.org www.campingersoll.org www.midymca.org/summer-enrichment