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Abuse Prevention at the Middlesex Y

A principal endeavor of the Middlesex Y is to provide an atmosphere for the growth and development of youth and children.  Thus, the mistreatment or neglect of youth or children and the resulting severe effects are of primary concern to the Y.  Child abuse is mistreatment or neglect of a child by parent(s) or others resulting in injury or harm.  Abuse can lead to severe emotional, physical and behavioral problems.  Because of its concern for the welfare of children and youth, the Y has developed policies, standards, guidelines and training to aid in the detection and prevention of child abuse.

1. All employees are screened and background checks are conducted upon hiring or rehiring.  Additionally, employees who have contact with children and youth receive training in recognizing, reporting and preventing child abuse, which includes training in recognizing signs that a child is being groomed for abuse.

2. Before employment, all staff must complete Praesidium's Armatus Child Abuse Prevention Training. These online modules of training include "Duty to Report, Mandated Reporter", "Keeping Your Y Safe", "Preventing Sexual Activity Between Young Children", "Meet Sam", and "It Happened to Me".

3. All employees are required to sign and abide by our Codes of Conduct, Work Rules, Childcare Code of Conduct, and our YMCA Policy Preventing the Abuse and Mistreatment of Youth. Please click each link below to see these documents.

Resources for Parents/Guardians

A parent or guardian is the best person to teach a youth about personal safety. However, the staff at the Y will also be communicating similar messages. It is important for adults to be delivering a similar message. Please click on the link below to access information on how to keep your youth safe, personal safety skills youth should have, ways to protect youth from abuse, and how to respond if your youth discloses abuse.

How to report concerns

You can contact the following people at the Middlesex YMCA to report any concerns.


Candace Crane, VP of Youth Development & Community Relations

Rich McCarty, VP for Healthy Living & Social Responsibility 

You can also complete the complaint form , either anonymously or with your contact information. This form can be put it in an envelope to Rich McCarty or Candace Crane’s attention and either dropped it off at the front desk or sent in by mail.

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Welcoming All:


The Y is made up of people of all ages and from every walk of life working side by side to strengthen communities. Together we work to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, age, cultural background, ethnicity, faith, gender, gender identity, ideology, income, national origin, race or sexual orientation, has the opportunity to reach their full potential with dignity. Our core values are caring, honesty, respect and responsibility—they guide everything we do.

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